Cedar Park Bend

Cedar Park Bend

Cedar Bend Park is a large open space which functions mainly as river access. The park is situated along the Cedar Valley Lakes Trail and faces Sans Souci Island across the river. Given the close proximity of the park to the Waterloo Boathouse and the dam in downtown Waterloo, it is not commonly used by paddlers as a put-in or a take-out. Instead, the access is often used by people with flat-bottom boats.

The most profound recommendation for the Cedar Bend Park is the reduction of the total parking area. The smaller sized parking area is still expected to have adequate capacity for boaters at this location. Like other accesses, two parking islands are recommended to improve circulation and define parking spaces. The planned parking area includes 10 stalls for pull-through trailer parking, including one accessible stall with an adjacent 10’ X 10’ staging area. By reducing the total parking area, a total of 11,000 square feet of land can be reclaimed and planted with pollinator plantings to treat parking lot runoff. Wooden bollards are also recommended to further define the parking area and limit the amount of land impacted by automobiles.

Below are the recommendations for the Cedar Bend Park.

Cedar Park Bend